• Monday, 08. July 2024

    News March 2024

    With the annual data export, we have more than 1,100 new cases in the registry. Many thanks to all of you for this excellent commitment!
    In our March newsletter, we will report on occupational anaphylaxis. Please read more in the newsletter filed the download area after logging in. Happy reading!


Status: Monday, 08. July 2024

13720 completed cases

Male patients 6409 47%
Female patients 7311 53%
Children and youths 3240 24%
Adults 10480 76%

completed cases per country:

Germany 10140 74%
Austria 1135 8%
Switzerland 2445 18%

2074 completed cases

Male patients 1137 55%
Female patients 937 45%
Children and youths 986 48%
Adults 1088 52%

3264 completed cases

Male patients 1814 56%
Female patients 1450 44%
Children and youths 1310 40%
Adults 1954 60%

completed cases per country:

Brazil 232 7%
Bulgaria 255 8%
Greece 423 13%
Ireland 223 7%
Italy 906 28%
Poland 494 15%
Spain 643 20%
Romania 73 2%
Netherlands 4 0%
Croatia 11 0%

336 completed cases

Male patients 180 54%
Female patients 156 46%
Children and youths 294 88%
Adults 42 13%